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Crystals Explained - O/P


Obsidian is a form of volcanic glass which is released from volcanic activity. It forms no crystalline structure as it cools very rapidly once emitted from the volcano. As a result this form of quartz is technically not a crystal.

Obsidian can come in a number of forms including Rainbow, gold sheen, purple sheen, mahogany, snowflake and Apache tears. The Rainbow and the obsidians with sheen have colours due to the refraction of light in and on the surface of pieces of black obsidian.

Obsidian has detoxifying properties. Working with Obsidian brings feelings of support and

protection. Obsidian will work over longer periods of time to seek out imbalances, both emotional and mental, which it will then highlight and actively begin to remove. This

process can leave the user a bit emotionally or mentally tender during and immediately after the work. Be gentle with yourself when working with obsidian, this mineral will get to the real issues lying beneath the surface.

Rainbow Obsidian is known as the path to Peace, it achieves this by bringing into balance all aspects of personality, those bits we like about ourselves and those bits we may seek to hide or obscure from view. If we are to love ourselves completely then we must look after both the sheep and the wolf entrusted to our keeping.

Snowflake Obsidian has areas of white feldspar growing within the obsidian which can often look like snowflakes. These feldspar crystals soften the energies of the obsidian making it much easier to work with, this mix is not as potent as the black, rainbow or coloured sheens of obsidian. Snowflake obsidian will nurture, support and gently suggest new ways of being.

Mahogany Obsidian has a brown colour with some parts that have the usual blackness, these definite colours are due to mineral inclusions within the obsidian. This type in particular is especially good to use around the base of the spine produce strength and stability.


Okenite forms in long, slender, hair like crystals which often group together in spheres, which have the appearance of cotton wool. Okenite exhibits a triclinic structure and has a hardness of 4.5 to 5 on the Mohs scale of Hardness.

Okenite is a member of the Zeolite family, many of the finest specimens coming from Pune and the surrounding areas in India.

Okenite has a very gentle, uplifting energy. This beautiful crystal is well known to Reike healers as a great stone to work with to enhance the energy and flow of Reike energy. Okenite calms and uplifts, activating the crown Chakra, bringing inspiration, clarity and openmindedness as well as helping to dissolve issues enabling the user to see or grasp the bigger picture.


Olivine is a variety of Fosterite which exhibits an orthorhombic structure and has a hardness of 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale of hardness.

Olivine often appears as a collection of very small crystals on a matrix of volcanic matter. Types of Olivine include Fosterite and the famous Peridot crystals. These types having a striking green to yellow appearance. Olivine and Peridot are known to aid health and wellbeing by assisting the liver and the kidneys in the removal of toxins both from the blood and so from the human body too.

Working with good quality peridot brings clarity, especially in the thought and emotional processes.


Onyx is traditionally the term used to refer to a type of Agate, which exhibits the colours Black and White only. Sometimes this type of Agate/Onyx is also called Sardonyx. This crystal exhibits a trigonal structure and has a hardness of 7 on the Mohs hardness scale.

The properties of this type of Onyx can be seen in the section under Agate, these stones provide stability, support, grounding and balance.

These “types” of onyx have created a great confusion around the true nature of Onyx, which is traditionally black and white banded agates.


Opal is technically a mix of two different minerals, Cristobalite and or Tridymite. This combination reveals a mineral combination which is world renowned for its beauty and has a hardness of 5.5 to 6.5 on the Mohs hardness scale.

Opals can come in a variety of colours from clear to white, blue, pink, red and rainbow. The colours are due to slight mineral inclusions and the diffraction of light within the mineral itself. Opal can often appear to have a fire of colours within it, all sparkling and glistening in the light.

These stones are often considered to be bad luck. This is not the case, they are simply mood enhancers. Wearing Opals when you are in a good mood will bring about great results, wearing opal when in a less than positive mood will often yield unfavourable results.


This is simply the name given to Synthetic created glass and has very little properties.


Orpiment is a variety of Arsenic Sulfide, which exhibits a monoclinic structure and has a hardness of 1.5 to 2.5 on the Mohs scale of harness.

This mineral was originally used as a pigment in the creation of paints. Only later was it discovered to contain arsenic, which accounted for the untimely death of some painters and occupants of people living in orpiment coloured rooms. Orpiment has a yellow colour and stimulates the thinking process, of course great care must be taken when working with an ore of Arsenic.


Orthoclase, also known as microcline, exhibits a monoclinic structure and has a hardness of 6 on the Mohs scale of hardness.

Orthoclase, also known as feldspar, comes in a variety of colours and generally assists in bringing calmness to times of change. Differing varieties have specific properties and names, for example, Moonstone, golden Labradorite and Feldspar.


Papgoite exhibits a monoclinic structure and this wonderful vivid blue crystal has a hardness of 5 to 5.5 on the Mohs hardness scale.

This mineral exhibits the royal blue colour of a copper based silicate. Papagoite is a rare mineral which is often found as an inclusion within quartz. This mineral is an excellent mineral to use when opening the psychic centres, bringing flexibility in the thinking aspects which in turn allows new, more expansive ideas and beliefs to be developed over and in place of older more rigid structures.

Papagoite enhances the use of the throat centres as well as the thyroid gland.

This mineral will be excellent to wear as jewellery or to be placed on the throat or third eye centres.


Pectolite exhibits a Triclinic structure and has a hardness of 4.5 to 5 on the Mohs hardness scale. Pectolite can often be found in clear crystals, but this variety most often found in shops in the form of Larimar. See Larimar, a variety of Pectolite that has a distinctive blue colour and is only found on the island of the Dominican Republic.

Pectolite crystals bring clarity and softness which brings ease of being and promotes gentleness both to the self and others. This mineral works wonderfully on the throat chakra and is great for enhancing psychic abilities.


Pentagonite forms beautiful blue to green Orthorhombic crystals that have a hardness of

3 to 4 on the Mohs hardness scale.

One of the varieties of Pentagonite that can be found in crystal shops is Cavanasite, which often comes from the Pune region of India, amongst other locations. Pentagonite has a striking colour which speaks straight to the heart and throat chakras. This mineral assits in the development of the throat chakra, which brings increased levels of awareness. These

increases are due to the energising nature of the minerals on these chakras.


Olivine is a variety of Fosterite which exhibits an orthorhombic structure and has a hardness of 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale of hardness.

Olivine often appears as a collection of very small crystals on a matrix of volcanic matter. Types of Olivine include Fosterite and the famous Peridot crystals. These types have

a striking green to yellow appearance. Olivine and Peridot are known to aid health and wellbeing by assisting the liver and the kidneys in the removal of toxins both from the blood and so from the human body too.

Working with good quality peridot brings clarity, especially in the thought and emotional processes.


Petalite forms in colourless to pink crystals that exhibit a monoclinic structure and have a hardness of 6.5 on the Mohs scale of hardness.

Petalite has a beautiful soft energy which is both encouraging, comforting and inspiring. This beautiful mineral often exhibits little sparkles under its surface, especially in a form that has been polished.

This mineral is great when used to relieve any emotional stresses and brings calmness and strength to the user. This mineral is particularly useful when used to work upon the emotional body.


Phenakite forms in clear crystals that exhibit a Trigonal structure and have a hardness of

7.5 to 8 on the Mohs hardness scale.

Phenakite can be found in Brazil, Russia, Madagascar and Burma. This amazing mineral has a very effervescent feel. It is almost like holding fizzy water in your hand. The energy in Phenakite is always bubbling out of it, filling the space in which it is found. This crystal works mainly on the Crown chakra which is easily activated by this high energy crystal. This mineral brings true inspiration to the user, who is quickly energised and uplifted by

working with it. This mineral is great to help people access the space outside of their physical realities and as such can be used in conjunction with meditating, channelling and mediumship work. This mineral is one of the highest vibration crystals on this planet.


Prehnite forms in a variety of shapes and often in the colour green. This mineral exhibits an Orthorhombic structure and has a hardness of 6 to 6.5 on the Mohs scale of hardness.

This mineral often has a gentle green colour to it, which betrays its true energetic nature. Prehnite brings gentle balance and acceptance to the user. In this way Prehnite gently dissolves boundaries both in the physical, emotional and mental bodies, bring about a state which assists in the collection and storing of information gleaned from higher mind and more intuitive sources.

Prehnite brings to truth about ourselves and others gently to the surface and encourages us to accept others and ourselves for who we truly are.


Purpurite is a manganese mineral which has a distinctive purple coating to it. This mineral exhibits an Orthorhombic structure and has a hardness of 4 to 4.5 on the Mohs hardness scale.This mineral, due to its high manganese content, naturally activates the higher centres, especially the tird eye centre.

Purpurite assists in the development of psychic work and also promotes the sense of community. Working regularly with Purpurite will bring people closer together in ha

rmony of mind and purpose. Tis truly is a stone ofthe New Age.


Pyrite has a characteristic metallic gold appearance, which is where its nick name of “Fool’s Gold" comes from. Pyrite exhibits an Isometric strucutre and has a hardness of 6 to 6.5 on the mohs scale of hardness. Pyrite can often be found in cubes, especially from Navjun in Spain, as well as isometric shapes. These crystals are formed hydrothermally, whilst the flat circles of pyrite that can be found are formed metamorphically after the crystals had been formed.

This mineral has been discussed and written about by many people with differing views. To me, this mineral slows the mind down almost to the point of mindlessness which relieves any stress on the mental body. In my opinion it is best to work with this mineral below the heart centre. I also advise meditating with it as oppsed to direct placement on skin. I am not a fan of pyrite jewellery worn next to the skin as sweating will cause black iron sulphate to be released, which may cause skin irritation.


Pyrolusite is a form of Mnganese oxide which exhibits a tetragonal structure and has a hardness which varies from 2 to 6.5.

This mineral can be found in large deposits as well as within or on quartz in dramatic starbursts. As with most manganese based minerals, this mineral will enhance sensitivity and enhance awareness in the higher centres.

Pyrolusite is great to use on the third eye as well as on the heart and throat centres. This mineral will activate these centres bringing excellent results with regards to meditation as well as psychic work. This mineral will both open and clear the pathway for energy to flow.

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