Magnetite is metallic crystal that exhibits an isometric structure which has a hardness of 5.5-6.5 on the Moh’s hardness scale. This mineral tends to form in natural octahedrons and have a metallic appearance.
Magnetite is a very grounding crystal, which brings stability and gently aligns the chakras. After the crystal has grounded the user, the magnetite will then energise the user. This stone will also bring about a stillness which will assist in meditation practices.
Magnesite is a crystal that exhibits a trigonal structure and has a hardness of 3.5 to 4.5 on the Moh’s scale.
Magnesite is often found in a tumbled form that has a milky appearance and a soft nature. This stone is very comforting and aids with pain relief. It is a great stone to use during the menstruation cycle, providing pain relief, stability and support.
As a crystal, with high clarity, it exhibits the highest light refraction index of any crystal. This crystal can bring great clarity and a good range of perspectives with regard to situations and environments.
Malachite is an excellent crystal which exhibits a monoclinic structure and has a hardness of 3.5 to 4 on the Moh’s hardness scale.
Malachite usually forms is a series of concentric circles or in botryoidal clusters of radiating crystals. Malachite also forms very rarely in crystals and then it has the appearance of azurite crystals.Malachite is a very orderly stone that provides strength and structure. This stone is great if you wish to bring more order and structure into your lives. It is good to work with for short periods of time as it can produce rigidity and stubbornness when worn or worked with for long periods of time.
Malachite brings great strength to the heart and inspires great resolve, by strengthening will. It is a great stone to use when there are jobs that need to be done and require an
element of discipline.This is a strong stone and it requires some respect working with it.
Marcasite exhibits an orthorhombic structure and has a hardness of 6 to 6.5 on the Moh’s scale of hardness. It has a bronzy appearance and often forms in pyramidal, stalactitic or nodular structures with radial crystals.
Marcasite brings concentration and increased self esteem. This stone is best used below the heart and especially on the solar plexus. It is advised that this stone is not used above the heart chakra.
Melody Super Seven
This crystal isquartz based and has a number of crystals within its structure.
This combination stone has amethyst, cacoxonite, goetite, quartz, rutile, smokey quartz and lepidocrosite within its structure.
It is a good point to note that not all pieces of this stone that are for sale have all seven minerals present within their structure. The Melody Super Seven stone has been trademarked and comes from a particular mine owned by Melody herself.
It is possible to buy this combination of stones from other sources but they would not be allowed to be called Melody Super Seven.
This a form of Tekkite that landed near the Moldau River 15 million years ago.
It is mainly found in Czechoslovakia and has a bottle green colour whichcan be faceted into jewellery products. It has no crystalline structure but good quality nodules can be very beautiful. This stone has an excellent energy, which raises energy levels and has wonderful properties. This stone has been written about extensively over the last 15 years and has become one of the most famous crystals of the time.
Moldavite raises energy levels and allows for deep meditation, increased heart strength, increased will and determination and support. This stone encourages users to actively live their dreams, to go out and make their dreams come true, it gives strength and courage at first and then a loving support.
Moonstone is a variety of orthoclase and a dimorph of microcline which exhibits a monoclinic structure and has a hardness of 6 on the Moh’s hardness scale.
Moonstone can come in a variety of colours including clear translucent, peach, black and rainbow.
This stone often exhibits a beautiful sheen which can include a rainbow of iridescent
colours. This stone brings great emotional balance and assists the user during times of change. Moonstone works well with all chakras especially the heart and throat. Moonstone has great feminine qualities which make it ideal for ladies and men seeking to
advance their feminine qualities. This stone allows the user to comfortably sit back and allow what is needed to naturally come to them.
Morganite is the pink member of the Berly family and as such exhibits a hexagonal structure and has a hardness of 7.5 to 8 on the Moh’s hardness scale.
Morganite is one of the most beautiful stones available on this planet. Energetically it is all about loving acceptance of both ourselves and each other. Working with this stone simply makes life more wonderful, loving, kinder and gentler. This stone softens people and their environments bringing gentleness and joy into the space.
Moss Agate
Moss Agate is not a real form of Agate but a variety of Chalcedony,
which exhibits a trigonal structure and has a hardness of 7. Moss Agate is a beautiful stone which is translucent and exhibits various green inclusions which are often chlorite or hornblende. Moss Agate is a very Earthy stone which brings harmony, especially with nature and energetically allows for heart expansions. This stone is very comforting to work with as it brings emotional and mental balance.
This particular stone is said to be very good for the skin and can be used in crystal massage, as an elixir or combined with face and body creams.
Natrolite is a member of the Zeolite group and exhibits an orthorhombic structure . Natrolite has a hardness of 5.5 on the Moh’s hardness scale.
Natrolite forms in long slender crystals that can often form in spherical clusters. This striking crystals brings inspiration and clarity, especially working to inspire and open the crown chakra. As with many of the Zeolites, Natrolite has a soft playful energy that cheekily works to clear the mindthrough the medium of innocence, bringing new perspectives to old situations and environments.
Nephrite Jade
Nephrite is a tough long crystalline form of actinolite and has often been
called New Zealand Jade, Maori Stone and New Zealand Green Stone. This crystal exhibits a monoclinic structure and has a hardness of 5 to 6 on the Moh’s hardness scale.
This stone is very balancing and harmonising. It is best used around the heart chakra w
here it brings love into manifestation through loving both ourselves and our surroundings. This stone is excellent to align both our physical and emotional bodies. Nephrite Jade encourages us to be at peace with our environment and facilitates learning through love and balance.
New Jade
New Jade is a name given to a form of Serpentine. As real Jade has become rarer and rarer to find, many companies now sell this Serpentine as a form of Jade.
See Serpentine for more details about this mineral.
Nuumite is a combination of two minerals from the Amphibole group called Anthophyllite and Gedrite. Both of these minerals exhibit an orthorhombic structure and have a hardness of 5.5 to 6 on the Moh’s hardness scale.
Nuumite has a shiny black appearance with specks of gold within it. This mineral
is said to be 1 billion years old and usually comes from Greenland. It has a very calming and relaxing energy which when worked with can give great results when used within a meditative situation. Meditating with this stone brings a great feeling of peace and lightness, which when followed brings nice expansions and insights.