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25 Years of Global Tribe


As we ambled along the atlantic coast of Ipanema, we must have been a picture. A Japanese, a Peruvian, a Scott, an English, a Danish, a Sri Lankan and some coffee colured Brasilians just to make up the numbers. We were a living, walking, talking and dancing Global Tribe. We worked hard and played harder. They were heady days of sun, sea, work and endless parties all conducted to a soundtrack of spiritually uplifting house music. This was the birth of Global Tribe as we know it.

After years running raves all over Brasil, Mario swapped an imported sound system for 850kg of crystals and moved back to the UK

When we opened our little bit of paradise in Leeds it could only have one name as the spirit of those days continues to linger in my being. Carefree days that belong to no one, save the desire to make the world a better place one small action at a time. Global Tribe Crystals was born on that wave and continues through the hopes, dreams, aspirations and actions of the team.

After looking around a few cities including Manchester and Bath, Mario settled on Leeds - Notice the old arcade side entrance! The ground floor of the shop used to go through to thorntons arcade, from 1999-2004

There are an infinite number of ways to make the world a better place. Some people just get on with it. Dreams can become realities, they just need nurturing, patience and when the time is right, action and lots of it.

The shop opened on 31st October 1999. The next day, he met this character, and the rest is history!

We wanted to create a special space for open minded, heartfelt people to belong. We’d already been doing that in Brasil and the UK with the free party movement. Now it was time to create something that had longevity. A place you could go to every day of the week. A place of sanctuary that everyone can feel at home. If we want to see a great future for this world, then we have to build it one brick, one space, one building, one town one city and one country at a time.

We had no idea where this next step would take us, but boldly we strode out into the unknown. The shop began with a rustic and ecclectic selection from wacky hand carved furnuiture to beautiful crystals. We just collected some amazing pieces that we loved and took a punt. The one theme that ran through the whole space was and still is Love. The jewellery and artfacts from the Yanomami tribes of the Amazon to the Quartz clusters and Amethyst Geodes weaved a magic spell.

The shop grows, new crystals are secured!

In 2001, I returned to Brasil to purchase more crystals. These buying trips are always amazing. Back then I thought that the same types crystals were always available, but having returned many in times over the last 20 years, each visit is unique.

One year there were thousands of mini sceptre quartzes. Another year saw the most amazing clear Lemurian laser Quartzes. One year we found a great batch of phenacites and herderites. This particular year had a wonderful selection and like any good Irishman I filled my boots.The crystals arrived 12 weeks later in 28 oil drums. Each Oil drum had its own selection inside. From the manifest we slowly began the arduous task of unwrapping the thousands of crystals within each drum. They had all been delivered to the shop and we placed them behind a big curtain made of bed spreads from Sri Lanka.

This reprobate joined us for work experience c.2009, and we havent been able to get rid of him since!

We have been searching for Truth our whole lives. Our choices, actions and reactions have all reflected this need to find our true nature. I swapped an American, imported 5K sound system in Brasil for 850 kgs of Crystals in 1998. We opened a crystal store in 1999. We began to meditate in 2002 and our lives transited into a whole new dimension.

July 10 2012: As we needed more space to accommodate our clients we opened the Global Tribe Cafe upstairs, we wanted to provide a space to carry on some of the inspiring conversations and friendships being coined in the shop. This became a vibrant hub and force all of its own, going from strength to strength and offering vegetarian and vegan food.

We opened the bliss therapy space upstairs, the cafe continued to gain popularity but was a little limited on space, still we continued

As well as regular cafe operations, we branched out into conventions and more fine dining inspired supper clubs with the help of our wonderful staff.

In Oct 2018 we took the decision to close the cafe, refocus and centralise our efforts. We replaced the cafe with the bookshop which opened on 14th November; still serving a range of teas, coffees and cakes but in a more relaxed setting!

Those shelves are looking quite bare compared to their current state!

2020 came and brought with it a new way of navigating life. We, like most other retailers, were sat with an uncertainty that still ripples in the high street today.

As people started to look inward and realised the limitations of modern methods, we expanded our range to include a selection of traditional herbal remedies. The period after the lockdowns we saw something of a spiritual rennaisance, as many people opened up to the therapeutic and spiritual potential in our field.

We saw a renewed confidence as the crystal kids of 2021 threw off the shackles of lockdown and congregated at Global Tribe. It was so wonderful to see so many young faces interested in crystals and their energies.

As the crazy tik tok crystal phase diminished our regular customers gradually returned and Global Tribe began it's post pandemic phase.

In difficult times people look for hope. There is always hope and sunshine in Global Tribe. We can see a great future emerging, people awakening and growing. Old paradigms are shifting in favour of a new era of hope, love and spirituality. A golden age for humanity. A recognition of the great aspects of the past, a respect for each other and an optimism fuelled by intelligent use of technology and a renaissance of community.

I find it amazing to look back over the last 25 years and to see how human consciousness has shifted. We truly are in the Aquarian age.

The age of Pisces, and looking for authority outside of ourselves has ended and the age of Aquarius and seeking the authority within had begun.

We look forward to celebrating our 25th birthday with you all and to celebrate the future we are creating.

Love from,

Global Tribe

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